How to beat Shadow Mind in Shadow Fight 3
Hello everyone today I'm going to tell you how to defeat Shadow Mind in Shadow Fight 3.
Shadow Mind has been an total nightmare to many people including me but when I defeated him I realized a strategy to do so and I'm going to share it to you
Some Starting Points
- The fight rules are Shadow Master. Shadow Master means your opponent is permanently in Shadow Form
- Shadow Mind is only vulnerable to your attacks when you are in Shadow form
- Your Shadow power recharges very quickly with every attack you do to the Shadow mind
- The time is infinite
- The space is endless (At first it was at a location but then now or at least when I played it there was nothing except for me and the Shadow Mind)
- He also has some special thing (I don't know what to call it; some youtuber called it infinite power)
Weapon: As I mentioned Shadow Mind is only vulnerable to your attacks when you are in Shadow form and your Shadow power recharges very quickly with every single hit you've dealt to him try to attack him more and try using a Dynastian faction weapon as those weapons are really fast and have more combos (because Shadow Mind is really fast but a Herald weapon will also do if its fast enough; try to avoid legionary weapons as some of them like the giant swords are really slow).
Attack: As you know after entering Shadow form Shadow mind is vulnerable to your attacks so try to enter it with a Shadow attack and go for normal damage instead of Shadow attacks as they take time to reload and not all of them attack for example repel which pushes your opponent away; don't try to go for defense during this period as only in this time he takes damage from you. That's why you should use your normal attacks but try enter it with a Shadow attack which deals damage.
The so-called infinite power: After dealing a descent amount of damage in Shadow form depending on your weapon power Shadow mind uses his special power which I'm calling infinite power as a youtuber was doing so as I don't know what it really is called. The infinite power differs in each round
Infinite power in rounds
1st round: He flies in the air and releases some orbs. He does this twice. The best way to avoid it is to roll to the corner of the screen as fast as possible as there the distance between to of the orbs is the most (They really aren't orbs but that was the best thing which came in my mind to call them) and, thus, the player can easily move and avoid them
How it the infinite power in the first round looks
2nd round: In the second round Shadow Mind flies in the air and uses the eruption ability everywhere with little gaps and there are clear holes which indicate the eruption and the eruption starts only after a few seconds when the holes appear the holes appear (I'm sorry I couldn't find an image for that power). To avoid it press on the correct directional button once at a time not twice or you'll move to further. He does this twice as well
3rd round: In the third round Shadow Mind does an fusion of both the infinite powers of the first and second round. He starts with the shadow orbs and after using it twice immediately uses the other one. To avoid the player hast to take a risk: instead of rolling far staying close to shadow mind horizontally as by going far the eruption hole thing will be right below you and you won't have enough time to escape that's why you'll have to take the risk.
An image of it ( What you see in the bottom is the eruption)
And phew that's it! By the way I think it took more time to explain the infinite power than the strategy of attacking him and the weapon! But hopefully it'll help
Comment below if the trick worked
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